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Boco [bo-co]:{adjective} Boco is a catchprase. An acronym to be more exact. It is a philosophy and a movement. It stands for Buy Only Christian Owned, but it means many things...

Christian Businesses in Westbury, NY
Christian Businesses in Westbury, NY - Car Dealers, Restaurants, Spas, Lawyers
Christian Businesses in Westbury, NY - Car Dealers, Restaurants, Spas, Lawyers
Christian Businesses in Westbury, NY
Christian Businesses in Westbury, NY

Long Island Christian Businesses
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Westbury Toyota - Christian Car dealers on Long Island
Christian Car Dealer Westbury, New York
Westbury Toyota
1121 Old Country Rd
Westbury, NY 11590
Westbury Toyota is one of the leading Toyota dealers in Long Island, New York. Here at Westbury Toyota we proudly serve all of the Long Island area and have a full line of dependable vehicles. For great lease deals, specials on new cars and more, look no further than Westbury Toyota’s new and pre-owned inventory in Long Island. 
Westbury Toyota - Long Island Car Dealer
Westbury Toyota - Long Island Car Dealer

Westbury Toyota - Long Island Car Dealer

Christian Businesses in Westbury, NY - Car Dealers, Restaurants, Spas, Lawyers
City Population
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Median Age
Westbury, NY
Westbury incorporated in 1932 as a village in Nassau County, New York in the United States. The Village of Westbury is in the Town of North Hempstead.

Westbury is a very diverse community, made up of Italian-Americans, African-Americans and Hispanic Americans. Many of the Hispanics are of Salvadoran origin. However, the neighborhood has more recently seen an influx of Arab-Americans and Indian-Americans. Many of the Italian-Americans in the village trace their origins to the town of Durazzano in Southern Italy, and are closely related. A great number still reside on the Hill across from Saint Brigid's Church. The nickname for the village since the mid-1970s has been "A Community for All Seasons" (presumably, because residents tend to live there 12 months of the year).